目的:实现docker ps时显示指定列
有时候映射的端口多了,或者容器名字过长,docker ps时,屏幕太小会换行。通过去掉一些不看的列,让其显示为一行,方便查找。
通过 man docker ps 帮助文档可以看到–format参数可以实现格式化输出自定义列。
--format="TEMPLATE" Pretty-print containers using a Go template. Valid placeholders: .ID - Container ID .Image - Image ID .Command - Quoted command .CreatedAt - Time when the container was created. .RunningFor - Elapsed time since the container was started. .Ports - Exposed ports. .Status - Container status. .Size - Container disk size. .Names - Container names. .Labels - All labels assigned to the container. .Label - Value of a specific label for this container. For example {{.Label "com.docker.swarm.cpu"}} .Mounts - Names of the volumes mounted in this container.
[root@host ~]# docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}" CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES STATUS a640a8b3c0d2 docker.io/rabbitmq:management rabbitmq Up 9 days a814698e6c4d centos new_guanwang Up 2 weeks 06f722c239b6 c7j8t8 guanwang Exited (137) 2 weeks ago
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