mysql5.5 默认用户信息
mysql> select host,user,password,authentication_string,plugin from user where user = 'root'\G; *************************** 1. row *************************** host: localhost user: root password: *1AF59BA2193249964488569CA898EFB2675BD9AB authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 2. row *************************** host: bt user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 3. row *************************** host: user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 4. row *************************** host: ::1 user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
当我们把host = localhost , user = root 的记录信息host改为 % 百分号后再看下。
mysql> select host,user,password,authentication_string,plugin from user where user = 'root'\G; *************************** 1. row *************************** host: % user: root password: *1AF59BA2193249964488569CA898EFB2675BD9AB authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 2. row *************************** host: bt user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 3. row *************************** host: user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: *************************** 4. row *************************** host: ::1 user: root password: authentication_string: plugin: 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
再用mysql -uroot -p 则无法登陆了,会提示下面错误。
[root@bt /]# mysql -uroot -p Enter password: // 输入密码 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
此时用 mysql -uroot -h -p 和 mysql -uroot -h bt -p 时,则无需密码即可登陆(也能查看库和表)。
因为host = bt & user = root或者 host = & user = root 的password密码字段为空,所以可以空密码登陆。
那么为什么mysql -uroot -p 输入密码后会无法连接?
注意 % 百分号表示是任何主机,是不匹配 localhost 的,它只是针对于通过TCP/IP连接过来的主机。
localhost is a synonym for your local host name, and is also the default host to which clients try to connect if you specify no host explicitly.
这句话意思是 localhost 是你本地主机的别名,同样他是客户端(mysql -uxxx -pxxx)连接数据库,但未指定主机(-h)时的默认值。(通过socket连接)
You can use a --host= option to name the server host explicitly. This will make a TCP/IP connection to the local mysqld server.
You can also use TCP/IP by specifying a --host option that uses the actual host name of the local host.
这句意思是通过tcp/ip协议来连接主机的实际名称,比如 server-db ,连接时,会把主机名解析为ip地址。
In this case, the host name must be specified in a user table row on the server host, even though you are running the client program on the same host as the server.
更多资料可参考mysql官方文档中关于 Access Control and Account Management 部分。
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